
Digital X -RAY

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Akshar Multislice Digital X -RAY

What is Digital X-Ray Scan?

A Digital X-Ray Scan is a modern imaging technique that uses digital sensors instead of traditional photographic film to capture detailed images of the internal structures of the body. This method provides high-quality images quickly and efficiently, aiding in the diagnosis and monitoring of various medical conditions.

Uses and Benefits of Digital X-Ray Scan

  • Quick and Efficient: Digital X-rays are faster than traditional X-rays, providing immediate images that can be enhanced and analyzed on a computer.
  • High Image Quality:Offers superior image resolution, allowing for more accurate diagnoses.
  • Reduced Radiation Exposure:Generally uses less radiation compared to traditional X-rays, making it safer for patients.
  • Easy Storage and Sharing: Digital images can be easily stored, retrieved, and shared electronically with other healthcare providers.

Why the Test is Performed

  • Diagnostic Purposes:To identify fractures, infections, and abnormalities in bones and organs.
  • Monitoring:To follow the progression of a disease or the healing process of an injury.
  • Guiding Treatment:Assisting in the planning and monitoring of surgical procedures.

  • When You Should Avoid

    • Pregnancy:Generally avoided unless absolutely necessary due to the potential risk to the fetus.
    • Recent Contrast Exams:If you've recently had a contrast exam, inform your doctor as it may affect the results.

    • Instructions to Follow When Preparing for a Digital X-Ray

      • Remove Metal Objects:Jewelry and other metal objects should be removed as they can interfere with the image.
      • Wear Comfortable Clothing:You might be asked to wear a gown during the procedure.
      • Inform Your Doctor:Notify your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or suspect you might be.

      • Digital X-Ray Scan Procedure

        • Preparation:You may need to change into a gown and remove any metal objects.
        • Positioning:You will be positioned on an X-ray table or stand in front of the digital X-ray machine.
        • Image Capture:The radiographer will position the digital sensor and take the necessary images.
        • Completion:The images are instantly available for review, and you can usually resume normal activities immediately.

        • FAQ's

          What is the difference between traditional X-rays and digital X-rays?

          Digital X-rays use digital sensors to capture images, which are then viewed on a computer, whereas traditional X-rays use photographic film.

          Is digital X-ray safe?

          Yes, digital X-rays are safe and generally use less radiation compared to traditional X-rays.

          How long does a digital X-ray procedure take?

          The procedure usually takes about 10-15 minutes, depending on the area being examined.

          Can I see the images immediately?

          Yes, digital X-ray images are available immediately for review by your healthcare provider.

          For comprehensive Digital X-Ray services, visit Akshar Imaging Centre in Ahmedabad. Our experienced radiologists and state-of-the-art technology ensure accurate and reliable diagnostic results. Schedule your appointment today!

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