
Ultrasound/Sonography Scan Centre

Akshar Multislice CT Scan

What is Ultrasonography?

Ultrasonography, commonly known as sonography, is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging technique that uses ultrasound waves to create images of the internal structures of the body. The ultrasound scan widely used for various medical purposes, including monitoring fetal development during pregnancy, diagnosing conditions affecting the organs and tissues, and guiding certain medical procedures.

What is 3D and 4D Sonography?

3D and 4D sonography, also known as ultrasound imaging, are advanced diagnostic techniques that create detailed images of the body's internal structures. While traditional 2D ultrasound provides flat, two-dimensional images, 3D sonography generates three-dimensional images, offering a more comprehensive view. 4D sonography adds the dimension of time, creating real-time, moving images of the fetus or other internal structures.

How ultrasound Works?

During the procedure, a transducer emits ultrasound waves into the body. These sound waves bounce off internal structures and are captured by the transducer. A computer processes these sound waves to create detailed images.

The ultrasound test is non-invasive and helps diagnose various conditions by visualizing organs, tissues, and blood flow.

At Akshar Imaging Centre, Ahmedabad, we utilize sonography test for a wide range of diagnostic purposes, including:

  1. Pregnancy Confirmation & Monitoring Fetal Growth and Health: Verifying pregnancy and assessing early fetal development. Tracking the development and well-being of the unborn baby throughout pregnancy.
  2. Thyroid Examination: Evaluating the thyroid gland for conditions such as nodules, goiters, and other abnormalities.
  3. Abdominal and Renal Imaging: Detecting abnormalities in the abdomen, kidneys, and other internal organs.
  4. Tumor Detection and Reporting: Creating detailed reports to identify and monitor tumors.
  5. Internal Injury or Infection Analysis: Investigating internal injuries or infections for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
  6. Respiratory, Circulatory, and Cardiac Evaluation: Assisting in the treatment of respiratory issues, blood circulation problems, and heart conditions.

Why Choose Akshar Imaging Centre for Sonography?

  • State-of-the-Art Technology: We utilize the latest ultrasound technology to provide high-quality ultrasound images.
  • Experienced Radiologists: Our team of skilled radiologists and technicians ensure accurate and reliable imaging results.
  • Comfort and Care: We prioritize patient comfort and care, providing a welcoming and supportive environment for all our patients.
  • Comprehensive Services: In addition to routine sonography, we provide all ultrasound guided diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Sonography Test Procedure

  1. Positioning: You will lie on an examination table.
  2. Gel Application: A water-based gel is applied to the skin over the area being examined.
  3. Transducer Use: The doctor moves a transducer over the gel-covered area to capture images.
  4. Sound Waves: The transducer emits sound waves that bounce off blood cells, producing images of blood flow.
  5. Image Analysis: The images are displayed on a monitor for analysis by the radiologist.

  6. FAQs on Sonography:

    Is sonography scan safe?

    Yes, sonography scan is safe procedures. They use ultrasound waves, not radiation, to create images, making them safe for the patients including pregnant women and fetus.

    Do I need to prepare for sonography?

    Preparation is usually minimal. Your healthcare provider may give specific instructions, such as fasting, drinking water before the exam to ensure a full bladder, which can improve image quality.

    How long does sonography session take?

    A typical sonography session lasts between 15-20 minutes, depending upon the specific requirements of the examination.

    Will I receive images or videos from my sonography?

    Yes, most facilities, including Akshar Imaging Centre, provide printed images or digital copies of the sonography for you to share with your consultant.

    Can I resume normal activities after an ultrasound scan?

    Yes, you can typically resume your normal activities immediately after an ultrasound scan, as it is a non-invasive procedure with no recovery time needed.

    For more information or to schedule an appointment for sonography, please contact Akshar Imaging Centre, Ahmedabad. Our dedicated team is here to provide you with the highest quality diagnostic imaging services and support your healthcare journey.

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